Sweet Potato Kugel- Kosher For Passover (V, GF)

I know every vegan blog and cookbook on the planet suggests Sweet PotatoKugel as the go-to Pesach dish, but I assure you, while avoiding Kitniyot and appeasing your Ashkenazi and Sephardic friends alike (and maybe Mizrahi too?) can be confusing, this is not your standard Jewish flavor palate, and may hopefully bring some of the bang from your most beloved dishes the rest of the year.

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Raw Truffles- Charoset Passover Dessert

Move over something sweet, there’s a new Charoset חֲרֽוֹסֶת in town!  This one is good enough for your Seder service, and good enough to serve for dessert.  These raw, delicious, sweet balls are a blend of traditional Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and Sephardic flavors, and observe the restrictions of each so enjoyable by all!

Makes about 28-30, 1 inch balls Continue reading Raw Truffles- Charoset Passover Dessert

Berry Muffins (wheat-free, vegan)

Perhaps you have an easy Sunday, or perhaps you’re having a formal afternoon tea party. In either case, some muffins are a great idea.  Often we find muffins are too bland, or too dense, and when you go into veganizing or wheat-free options the moisture and bready texture seems to suffer along with it.  We have you covered- sweet, moist, tart, doesn’t fall apart… but isn’t like biting into a sponge.  Please note: SPELT flour is used, making them wheat free (debatable) but NOT gluten free.  Feel free to substitute your favourite GF flour mix, but you may want to add in some hearty flours like a coconut to give you some stronger textures.

Preheat to 325 degrees, and set aside 3/4 cup of frozen berries (we use a mix of raspberries and blueberries, but any will do at about that size). See that picture? That’s why frozen, reduce the hollow space around the berries, while keeping them moist and full of flavor. Save some money, get peak season (ie better nutrition), and they’ll keep until you need ’em.


Continue reading Berry Muffins (wheat-free, vegan)

Cupcake Brownies (gf, v)

One of my best early foodie memories, before learning to cook, and before eating ethically, were the brownies at Bonefish Grill. The brownies were so gooey, and sweet. They were also way too big and led to my weight hitting an all-time high of 220 lbs, but that’s another story.

This is a story about delicious, ethical, relatively guiltless brownies that I invented with my wonderful partner and girlfriend. 20160403_193744

Continue reading Cupcake Brownies (gf, v)

Avocado Aioli (vegan)

This zesty aioli is oil free, and arguably sugar free (optionally salt free), and can be used in place of mayonnaise, vegannaise, or even cooking oil.  The avocado supplies a healthy fat for sautéing, or roasting, and adjusting the broth amounts can give you a wetter consistency for pan-fry or a thicker consistency for spreading on sandwiches. Bonus, the blackstrap molasses gives you a ton of natural vitamins and minerals, the apple cider vinegar the probiotics you need for improved digestions, the nutritional yeast is fortified with B12, and the turmeric supplies you with a daily anti-inflammatory boost!

Continue reading Avocado Aioli (vegan)