Plant based nutrition: EATS

Unique to the PBNHConference is their scheduling of programming to include food. In an attempt to practice what they preach, the Plantrician Project wisely integrated meals into the experience of the conference.


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Holistic Holiday at Sea

I was JUST talking the other day about how much I wanted to go on a cruise, and how brutally uncomfortable it would be with the likelihood of all of the food being non-vegan and ridiculously unhealthy.  I pined for a vegan cruise and even toyed with the idea of organizing one….and then Jeanette at the PBNHC told me about this: Holistic Holiday at SeaIt looks like an amazing time, with cooking classes, great lectures from brilliant minds, and awesome vegan foods on a boat with amazing health-conscious PBD/Vegans in the CARIBBEAN!

Who wants to go? Let’s start saving now, February can’t come soon enough.

Plant Pure Nation

One of the best things about going to conferences like IPBNHC is how quickly people can introduce you to new things!  I was very excited to heat about an initiative called Plant Pure Nation:

“a “grassroots,” community-based strategy that engages millions of people everywhere to bring the message of plant-based nutrition to family, friends and neighbors. This effort demonstrates how millions of people working together at the local level can solve a social problem that industry and government have failed to solve.”

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