Category Archives: Lifestyle

Inspirational Vegan Celebrities- Guest Blog by Jessica Goodman

At nine years old, I was diagnosed with severe Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. My doctor had told my parents that if we could not get the disease under control that I was likely to be permanently in a wheelchair by the time I was fourteen, and on medication for the rest of my life. Thirteen years ago, I made the switch to a vegan lifestyle after my mom read the book The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. This switch completely changed my life and I was able to get my Juvenile RA not only under control but into full remission. 

Prior to switching my diet, my mom stumbled upon information about the animal industry and she went vegan overnight. Like so many vegans before and after her, she went down a research rabbit hole and that’s how she discovered the book that would make the biggest impact on my life. For her, vegan animal rights activists like Joaquin Phoenix and Gene Baur made the biggest impact in inspiring her to change her life but for me it was Dr. Campbell’s book.  My mother went on to receive certification from Dr. Campbell’s Nutrition Program at Cornell and she uses her plant-based nutrition insight in her business, coaching others to make the plant-based switch as well. Inspiration comes in all forms– for us it was the doctors and animal activists, for others it is the athletes, influencers like pop stars and actors, politicians and other cultural role models who spark the inspiration to make a change, empowering health and sustainability for the planet, animals, and their own personal health.

With that in mind, I have gathered a list of prominent vegans who continue to inspire me and those around me to make the vegan shift.  Big Picture Vegan originally posted an article on Celebrity Vegans 5 years ago, and the world has become a much more vegan place since then– you may even find someone you already respect or admire! Continue reading Inspirational Vegan Celebrities- Guest Blog by Jessica Goodman

Vegan Around The World Trip– See the world while stuck at home (Vegan Travel Diaries– guest article)

Stuck at home when you want to be on an adventure? We know the feeling! Being confined within four walls is a nightmare for those with serious wanderlust. The stress of 2020 is about all any of us can bear and that just makes the urge to get away that much more intense. When life has got you down, and you need to #stayathome, all you can do is daydream of exotic locales and foods you haven’t tried yet — and we have one way to help you escape from it…

We recently got back from a two-month Round-The-World-Trip, returning back home in the nick of time before Coronavirus shut the world down– despite the global pandemic looming, we managed to find amazing places and vegan eats that we can now share with YOU– all our fellow AND future globetrotters.



Continue reading Vegan Around The World Trip– See the world while stuck at home (Vegan Travel Diaries– guest article)

Family Holidays – guest post Therapist Adriana Gambino

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about navigating family holidays as a vegan. When you’re vegan, and even worse– THE ONLY VEGAN– in a large family gathering, it can be difficult to find common ground when old sibling rivalries and family traditions are the stakes.

Sound familiar? Many of you are dreading this holiday season, but the good news is plant-based diets are rising, not just in prevalence but in awareness and understanding.

I want to share with you how it works in my family, and hopefully you can have a happy and a healthy with yours!

Continue reading Family Holidays – guest post Therapist Adriana Gambino

Supplements for Vegans, pt 4 final

Plant-based diets are great for your health, and when part of a vegan lifestyle can be a great benefit to the animals, the planet, your body and mind.  The benefits of veganism are being talked about more and more, and it’s getting easier and easier to imagine a critical mass of vegans! Hooray!

With all of the benefits that come with a healthful vegan diet, it is very possible to live a vegan lifestyle that neglects your health. For example, you could eat Oreos for every meal, which are technically vegan, and you would probably not end up with a very healthy diet ☺ 

Nutrition is a confusing thing, and scientifically we are just starting to link nutrition to  major diseases.  I hope that with this handy guide you’ll find great ways to manage your whole-health, mostly with whole plant foods– and maybe sometimes with a very well researched vitamin supplement. The bottom of this article has a great healthy food shopping list with every food mentioned to make it easier to incorporate into your meals.

These nutrients are essential but often overlooked…

Continue reading Supplements for Vegans, pt 4 final

Vegan Keto

Vegan Keto may seem like a contradiction in terms…isn’t Keto that crazy butter and bacon diet? GROSS!  However, there is a way to do keto vegan and delicious!

After all, anything you can do I can do vegan, right? 

Vegan Keto Chocolates! The dream can be real. Comment below if you want me to post the recipe!

So whether you are looking for a rapid weight loss diet, a cleanse, or something new, giving vegan keto a try could be worth it– you will eat ALL OF THE AVOCADOS, who doesn’t want that?

For me, Vegan Keto is the perfect way to transition between the seasons, reset my food habits, drop some pounds and change up my metabolic rate! I usually go 1-2 months Keto and then enjoy the comfort foods of the winter, the fresh fruit abundance of the summer, the crisp apples of fall, and the florals of spring. I’m never one to compromise flavor, so come and get inspired with my vegan keto shopping guide and meal ideas below!

Continue reading Vegan Keto

Supplements for Vegans, pt 3 Vit D

Veganism can be great for your health, and for your family. Veganism has been shown to reduce or reverse many diseases, and more and more doctors are advocating a plant-based diet– not to mention the environmental benefit that is healthy for us all.  It’s no wonder that I find myself wondering why everyone isn’t already vegan!  

While being vegan CAN be healthy, being a junk-food vegan is also possible. For example, you could go home and eat the totally indulge-worthy Beyond Burger for every meal, and you would probably not end up with the most balanced diet ☺  And, the animals need you in fighting shape!

While there is a lot of confusion out there about nutrition in general, and for vegans in particular, with this handy guide, I hope you’ll find great ways to manage your whole-health, mostly with whole plant foods, and maybe sometimes with a very well researched vitamin supplement here and there, and the healthy food shopping list found at the bottom of each article in this series. And remember, balancing nutrition is not a Vegan problem, it’s an everyone problem, and healthy vegans are definitely better off.

Missed the first two? Jump to Part1: B12, and Part 2: Protein

Are fortified foods enough to replace supplements….?


Continue reading Supplements for Vegans, pt 3 Vit D

Kombucha for ALL

There comes a time for every health-loving vegan, every trend-loving hipster, and every ferment-loving culture-fiend, when it’s time to learn to make kombucha.  And why not? Buying it retail is upwards of $5 a bottle, produces a fair amount of single-use package waste, and sometimes the flavor choices are…questionable. Preparing your own kombucha can be a little addictive, especially since the basics are easy to master, and a virtually endless amount of tweaking and flavor combinations can radically alter the outcome! It’s such a rewarding practice that you’ll probably be making your own by the gallon every month in no time!

This recipe uses a combination of ceylon and sencha with organic sugar and will have 2 ferments over the next 20 days! Basic recipes below, look for amazing flavor recipes in PART 2!

Continue reading Kombucha for ALL

Supplements for Vegans, pt 2

Veganism can be great for your health, with the overall reduced risk of most cancers, heart disease and diabetes, not to mention the environmental benefit that is healthy for us all.  This information is becoming more and more widespread, and I find myself wondering why everyone isn’t already vegan!  

While being vegan CAN be healthy, being a junk-food vegan is also possible. For example, you could go home and eat the amazing Earth Balance Cheese-Snacks for every meal, and you would probably not end up with the most balanced of diets ☺  And, the animals need you in fighting shape!

While there is a lot of confusion out there about nutrition in general, and for vegans in particular, with this handy guide, I hope you’ll find great ways to manage your whole-health, mostly with whole plant foods, and maybe sometimes with a very well researched vitamin supplement here and there, and the healthy food shopping list found at the bottom of each article in this series. (Or you can Jump to Part 1: B12 or Part 3: VItamin D)

Do vegans need a protein supplement?

Continue reading Supplements for Vegans, pt 2

Vegan Fashion- The List of Lists!

Do you ever wish there was an index of all the best vegan shopping guides around?  Well, wait no more!  These links are all working as of this date, and they span a range of styles, costs, and special consideration has been given to lists that include sustainable industry practices.  Enjoy!

Our Short List:

PrAna-  Offering great options for men and women, especially geared towards active lifestyles and yoga, this eco-friendly company is often 1/3 the price of market competitors.

Vaute- Vaute is a fashion option for those not willing to lose their stylish edge when they ditch the animal products!  Good trendy options for men and women.

Herbivore Clothing-  Mostly vegan slogan t-shirts, this mainstay represents the message in fun and accessible ways.  Think of them the next time a witty t-shirt can make a mark.

Rawganique-  Known by hippies and vegans alike, this eco-friendly company focuses on hemp goods, natural fibers, and sustainability.

Moo Shoes- Despite the name, they have no Moo in their shoes, and also have belts, wallets and other items otherwise made from animal leather.  Moo Shoes offers classic and stylish items that may even fool your non-vegan friends and family.

Mercy For Animals Shop- When choosing where to shop, consider the beneficiary! In this case MFA!  One of the best animal rights organizations in the world has a shop that helps sustain their cause, and keeps you sporting vegan awesomeness yourself.


Original Cult/Lip Service-  I wouldn’t be doing by Goth Vegan duties if I didn’t at least pay them some lip service, get it?  This OG Punk company started using vegan leathers on everything before it was cool.  Now you can find everything from leather pants to those rocker holsters all in veg leather.


The List of Lists:

Vegan Kit

Farm Sanctuary

Vegan Online Stores

Peta’s Cruelty Free Shopping Guide

Etsy Vegan Clothing Search

The Vegan Scholar- Brands

Humane Decisions- Designers and Brands

The Friendly Fig- Brands

One Green Planet Shopping Guide

Buzzfeed Eco-Friendly Cruelty Free

Peta’s Vegan-friendly Retailers

Telegraph.Uk Best Fashion Brands

The Bustle- Best Vegan Designers

Compassion Over Killing List

Veganism: Yoga Beyond the Studio

The true observance of yoga principles leads practitioners to follow a compassionate, vegan lifestyle. To the casual observer in American studios, yoga appears to be the worship of flexible bodies twisted into interesting poses while wearing tight pants. This is how our cultural appreciates (or to some, appropriates) the practice. Beneath the surface of this Western yogic appearance underlies a spiritual practice that is what yoga actually is, even when the depths are overlooked. The word “yoga” itself stems from the Sanskrit word for union. As laid out in the yoga sutra (the fundamental teachings of yoga to devoted followers) by Patanjali, yoga is a tool that a student uses to recognize the true nature of, and interconnection with, the universe.


Continue reading Veganism: Yoga Beyond the Studio