Category Archives: Environmentalism

Intro to Organic- Making the Healthful Choice

With so much information out there, and all the labeling designed by creative marketing companies, the confusion can get to you. Let’s break it down, so we can heal together.

We will touch on farming methods, toxins used, what GMOs are, some research on how non-organic effects our bodies and the earth, and we will discuss viable options for how to transition to an organic FULL OF LIFE lifestyle!

The FULL OF LIFE method for eating, and living:


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Emissions: Cars vs Cattle?

Conversations about air pollution, carbon footprints, greenhouse gases usually focus on cars/transportation and the nebulous concept of “industry” calling to mind post-industrial brick smoke towers pumping black smoke into the sky for some factory that is as monolithic and ominous at it is cartoonish and NOT the biggest contributor to toxic air pollution.

Several studies on the sources and causes of emissions have been done, like this 2006 study and many responses by agriculture and commentaries have monitored small changes, talking about industry practice reform, such as the independent.

Detractors argue that the 3.5% decrease to observable methane emissions over 8 years is PROOF that the agricultural industry simply needs reforms to correct the issue…ignoring the fact that at 14.5% (whether we agree with this figures or not) still makes livestock the #2 ABOVE transportation, and behind the nebulous “industry”.  methane-vs-co2-graphic-new Continue reading Emissions: Cars vs Cattle?