Tag Archives: gluten free

Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread Muffins

Making cornbread muffins takes a lot of the stress out of the cornbread, the smaller size cooks quicker, cracks less, and its ALMOST like an attempt at portion control, provided you eat them one at a time 😉 These gluten-free gems feature jalapeno, but I have definitely substituted for a scorpion pepper here and there when I know I am entertaining my fellow heat demons.


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Good Karma Collards w/ Baked Tofu

Something about Collard Greens always puts me in the mood for southern cooking…and while soul food and vegan cooking may not be the most intuitive combination, I assure you it can be delicious!  For this dish we will make a tasty, smoky, meaty baked tofu that we add to our equally smoky and also garlicky and a little feisty collard greens.

I will show you how to get a really fool-proof and satisfying flavor and texture from your tofu and I’ll even show you how to shred those collards with a simple technique that will save you tons of time with all your leafies.

Serves 4-6 as a side, or 2 as a main.

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Snap Pea Pate w/ Tarragon- Karma Farm

Nothing brings the fresh feeling of summer quite like a fresh and crisp Sugar Snap Pea, it’s green and light and bursts with a tangy spray in every bite, much like a radish or turnip.  That hydrating and nutrient dense crunch– so refreshing!

Pate is the perfect medium for a small handful of peas, and makes a great fridge snack, as you can combine it with nearly anything else in your fridge or pantry like crackers or celery sticks.  Best of all, the bright bright green of the peas makes an excellent color note against a bright pink of a radish, making it an excellent smile-inducing finger food for an outdoor garden party.

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Sweet Potato Kugel- Kosher For Passover (V, GF)

I know every vegan blog and cookbook on the planet suggests Sweet PotatoKugel as the go-to Pesach dish, but I assure you, while avoiding Kitniyot and appeasing your Ashkenazi and Sephardic friends alike (and maybe Mizrahi too?) can be confusing, this is not your standard Jewish flavor palate, and may hopefully bring some of the bang from your most beloved dishes the rest of the year.

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Raw Truffles- Charoset Passover Dessert

Move over something sweet, there’s a new Charoset חֲרֽוֹסֶת in town!  This one is good enough for your Seder service, and good enough to serve for dessert.  These raw, delicious, sweet balls are a blend of traditional Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and Sephardic flavors, and observe the restrictions of each so enjoyable by all!

Makes about 28-30, 1 inch balls Continue reading Raw Truffles- Charoset Passover Dessert

Cupcake Brownies (gf, v)

One of my best early foodie memories, before learning to cook, and before eating ethically, were the brownies at Bonefish Grill. The brownies were so gooey, and sweet. They were also way too big and led to my weight hitting an all-time high of 220 lbs, but that’s another story.

This is a story about delicious, ethical, relatively guiltless brownies that I invented with my wonderful partner and girlfriend. 20160403_193744

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Kimchi- Delicious Recipe for Digestive Health

Korean traditional kimchi includes fish paste, Gochujang (Korean red pepper paste), cabbage and daikon, which means not only is it not vegan, but is uses obscure ingredients. Tradition is important, and is a food obstacle for many vegans, but so is accuracy.

Never fear!

Did you know that basically every Korean with a mother and a kitchen has done their Kimchi differently?  So let’s make our own!

Here is an easy recipe with 9 grocery store ingredients, many you already have:


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