Tag Archives: science

covid-19 and the food industry

COVID-19 – Time to eat and build a plant-based future!

By now I am sure you have heard about novel Coronavirus (the cause of COVID-19), an infectious disease caused by a new strain of virus related to the common cold, with global implications. As the toilet paper vanishes and grocery stores empty, it is time to explore where viruses like this are born and review the larger impacts of COVID-19 on our food system, supply chain, and future practices.

One of the biggest obstacles to our health and safety is Diet Literacy. No, that doesn’t mean which diet is going to make you thin or jacked, but it does mean that most people have no idea about the food they eat: where it comes from, who makes/grows it, how its packaged, or what hitch-hiking bugs may be along for the ride.  The following article is a compilation of insights and professional expertise I developed to send to the media and communicate with public policy officials in the first week of the US wave of the outbreak.  In an interest to bring people into that knowledge base, I have expanded upon these ideas and linked to resources at the bottom.  Please reach out for more info!

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2015 International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference

As a vegan consultant and researcher for INOVA, I investigate the efficacy of plant-based diet, and the prevalence of inclusion of PBD in peer-reviewed studies, for a variety of health concerns relevant to current medical studies and patient treatment plans. Plant-based diets are on the rise, I am happy to report, and there is more and more interest in scientifically quantifying the results, which will likely make PBD more than just another passing dietary fad. plantricianproject-w590h590

“A nation in which physicians and allied healthcare professionals have received compelling education about the foundational pillar of prevention: a whole food, plant-based dietary protocol. A sustainable, financially sound healthcare system wherein nutritional medicine and its proven ability to prevent, suspend and even reverse virtually all chronic disease, as well as many autoimmune diseases, is fully integrated throughout the healthcare practice spectrum.”

That is the vision statement from the conference, colloquially referred to as the Culinary Medicine Conference.  2015 International Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference

It is exciting to know there is such a dedicated and growing community of people spreading the good news about an animal-free diet.  It is my hope that this continues to grow, and more and more people become aware of the practices surrounding these industries, and that these industries are pressured to change as a result.

Stay tuned for more links to publicly published medical studies.  The bigger picture includes health, compassion, and great food!